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Available Online

Virtual Energetic Clearing + Attunement

Unblock your magnetism and infuse it with angel love

30 min
33 US dollars
Location 1

Service Description

Allow Jess to interact with your auric field and clear away any tangled magnetism that has been blocking your flow of energy. Receive guidance from spirit during and after that informs major life themes and patterns. Finalize with an attunement to take with you throughout your week. This process is less involved than the emotional clearing, which requires your active participation and more about interacting with your auric field as a whole, opposed to focusing on the mental and emotional layers.

Cancellation Policy

Please allow at least 48 hours if scheduling an appointment and 24 to reschedule. Lady and Lion Co. requires all Transforming With Tarot customers to book 48 hours in advance. This allows ample time to appropriately set up for a session and you plenty of time to determine what you want to get out of the reading.

Contact Details

  • USA

Dear Jess

A new corner of the internet where you can lay your burdens down— unconditionally.

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