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yo yo, what's good ?

I'm Jess Morgan

I'm a cat-loving, book-reading, picture-taking, craft-making, astrology-believing, mindfulness-advocating, philosophy enthusiast here to show you how precious your life is, how necessary your talent is, and serve you up perspectives that empower you to be comfortable in your own skin.

My goal is to hand you the wisdom you need so that you can walk away with your chin up, pep in your step,
and tools in your hand to build the life you dream of and heal.✨

I didn't start out as an intuitive... Before I was an energy worker, I spent a decade developing creative assets for countless companies in various industries, from engineering in the oil fields to branded resorts with lakefront views.

From graphic design to photography, I've done it all. My career was so fun and I've grew so much along the way. In 2017 I taught camera sciences at Tufts University and fell in love with teaching. And that's what leads me here to you! 📸

After having many creative projects, jobs and side hustles of my own and then going through a huge spiritual awakening, I realized my purpose was not to have a massive creative business of my own, but to teach people how to get started building their own creative businesses and guiding them through the spiritual awakening process, which can be so messy and lonely. Trust me, I know from experience!

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While I've always been interested in spirituality, I'd say my spiritual awakening started when I lost all my hair and went through a dark night of the soul at 21, which really changed how I showed up in my career and day-to-day life 

I used to have long, thick, dirty- blonde hair, and right after college, I lost every last strand.

And with it, my ego transformed. I realized hair was not a necessity to have a good life, and though it took me a while, I evolved through that experience feeling more alive and beautiful. It was, in many respects, the beginning of my awakening and shook me awake out of superficiality, and I am grateful for it.

A big part of how I show up here is proof that whatever you're going through or grief you're experiencing, it's still possible to live a gorgeous, full life despite the fact. 🧡

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These are some of the creative assets I' 've developed for different businesses over the years...

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A month before I started
losing my hair

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After growing up on the West Coast, trying to make it on the East Coast, I finally found the Gulf coast.

And I live in Texas. How I got here? Not really sure.

It took a few years to find what my soul really loves, and after dipping my toes into various careers like catering, marketing, hospitality and finally healing, I figured out that my true calling is one of helping people along their spiritual awakening.


Lady & Lion Co. meant so much more than just a craft or catering business...

You see, I had started a craft business years before, amid depression and a bald head. During the long hours I'd put in fulfilling orders, I'd listen to philosophy lectures, and seminars and Zen theory, and the combination of creating and learning healed my soul in a way I can not explain. I know it worked so well it would mean nothing if I didn't share some of those lessons with you and the world. If I think about it, my hair loss really commenced my spiritual awakening and made me believe there is a spiritual reason to all problems.

Oftentimes, when we begin to wake up to our spirituality, our first task is to remove old paradigms and mental blocks. It wasn't until a psychic told me I was an empath and had undeveloped gifts when I was in my early twenties that I started waking back up to my spiritual skills.

Over a decade later and after a few brash spiritual occurrences, I left the matrix and have committed my time to helping others wake up to their potential with spirit as my guide. 

So, with that,  Lady and Lion Co. came to represent the tricky balance our ego-self has with our higher self. Both the lady and the lion show up in astrology, (Leo + Virgo) and the tarot (Strength card). The word "Lady" is a socially constructed word that means more than "woman" or female," but rather an idealized societal version of what a woman or female should be, and it represents our higher self. The lion stands for that animal within us all, the ego.

Lady & Lion Co. welcomes all of you, in entirety, to be your messy selves because, after all, creation is messy. I think being a creative is more than just creating pieces of work. I view craft as a rapture, a lesson, and a meditation into how our ego and Godself can coexist, and it would be a shame to miss that insight. A spiritual awakening can be lonely and I am here to guide you through breaking the matrix and reclaiming your sovereignty. 

So dear reader, if you've made it this far, welcome. Now that you know a bit about me, I'd love to hear from you! You can write me and tell me a bit about yourself here:

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One of my many side hustles
that I learned how to scale
was a craft business I'd take
To markets and such.

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I grew up in Washington State and  am still in love with the landscape there

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Dear Jess

A new corner of the internet where you can lay your burdens down— unconditionally.

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  • Lady and Lion Co. Pinterest


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