Cast your constellations onto your wall and learn a bit about what they say about your karma with this 10" Sun/Moon/Rising sign dreamcatcher and a Good Karma Astrological Chart Interpretation bundle.
zzZodiac Dream CatcherszzZodiac dream catchers are a one-of-a-kind memento of your placement in the cosmos. With hand-beaded constellations woven inside of the catcher and sign-inspired embellishments, zzZodiac dream catchers provide a unique conversational piece for your home decor and, most importantly, keep your dreams out of this world!
Big Bang Astrological Chart InterpretationFind out your sun, moon, rising, Chiron, and North and South Node and all planetary placement and how they shine lights into your soul's unique mission in this life, the expertise you carry from your last life, your soul's life wound, habitual patterns based on planetary alignment and a deep dive into your quirks according to the cosmos. The Big Bang Astrological Chart Interpretation helps you understand your life in a whole new way and validates much of your experience.
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