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Available Online

2 Full Sessions Hypnosis Bundle

So You Can Vibe Higher

4 hr
555 US dollars
Zoom Call

Service Description

Quantum Healing Hypnosis is Broken into 6 sections: 1.) Pre-Session Chat Getting to know your life story helps me better understand what might be convoluting your energetic body or clouding your karma and enables me to get ahead of it before we get into hypnosis. 2.) Hypnotherapy Jess will settle your body and relax you mind so you can reach the information from your subconscious 3.) Entity Release You may not believe it, but there are etheric energies that get lost, confused, or misguided that attach to your energetic bodies and inform thoughts, habits, addictions, energy levels, and more. This is not scary, it's just part of our reality. With the help of my angel team, I talk to these energies, get the scoop on why they are there, and hand them off to my angels to take them where they need to go 4.) Energetic Rebuild To maintain the clearing we do, my angels and I clean and seal your chakra system so that further entities can not get in 5.)Past Life Regression Now that we're clean and clear, you can be shown your parallel lives and connect with your higher self and oversoul. The best part is it's with certainty and trust nothing is interfering or hijacking the connection because of the energetic clearing before. This can help guide us in our daily lives and inform us why we are the way we are 6.) Higher Self Interviews What's really exciting is that, at the end of all of this, we get to talk to your higher guidance and ask them questions about your health, your situations, your dreams, and the spiritual reason and reality behind them *PLEASE NOTE: All parts are required to perform this healing. If necessary, this can be split into two sessions, depending on how long entity release takes. Entity release and energetic rebuild ARE REQUIRED to move on to higher self and past lives, otherwise, the information that is shared can not be trusted as truth. This energy work is advanced and requires proper training. Quantum Healing is an amazing modality for those who want to understand their soul more and the spiritual reasons behind their habits, diseases, and struggles, and works best when one already has some form of spirituality. That being said, Jess is not a not a medical physician or mental health professional. Jess does not diagnose, or prescribe medications for any physical or psychological illness. If you respect the allopathic medical model, and feel you require medical or mental health treatment, you should contact an appropriate professional.

Cancellation Policy

A Breaking Bare Quantum Healing Hypnosis session is nonrefundable and requires 7 days before a session. If hypnosis is not reached, a single reschedule can be negotiated at the will of both parties. It is recommended to practice visualization and meditation before your appointment. If online, a headset with an attached microphone close to your face and a solid internet connection is REQUIRED to conduct the session. The consumption of caffeine, alcohol, or drugs is not recommended for 48 hours before your session and can interfere with your ability to connect to your higher self.

Contact Details


Dear Jess

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