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I'm honored you trust me with your learning and am overjoyed to deliver this lesson. Please reach out with feedback, questions or raves. I'm happy to facilitate however you want to grow. 


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Makers to Market

Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Are you finally ready to get your handmade products photographed and up online? This is for creators who have yet to launch their online storefront and are seeking guidance on navigating all the choices, resources, and marketing that goes into starting an online store. Work through FOUR modules and take the overwhelm out of making creative assets and selling online: 🧠 Getting Your Mind Set - This is a Mindset reboot to help you pin down and dig up the resistance you have towards selling your work online and making money from your creativity. 🔥Developing Fire Creative Assets - Photography 101 and why quality images of your work are important to feel good about selling and increase the value. 🛍 Create Your Virtual Shop - Staging all the elements you'll need to start your virtual shop, including copywriting product descriptions, studying different platforms and an introduction to email marketing. 📣 Promoting Your Brand - Introduction to content marketing so that you can make use of how to capture new customers, social media marketing basics. EXCLUSIVE BONUSES: 📸 Styling + Lighting Trainings - Five videos that lock in lighting, styling, and all things product photography so you can compose like a pro! 🛠 The Creative Toolbelt - Eliminate excuses with all the creative marketing tools you need: Canva training/Wix web development/Adobe photo + video editing/ Content marketing basics/So much more!

Course Outline

Dear Jess

A new corner of the internet where you can lay your burdens down— unconditionally.

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